Naruto is a story of a shinobi who follows his ‘own Ninja way’ to become Hokage and save his friends. The illustration of the Naruto character is one of the oldest, and it never gets old no matter what the era is. The manga artist Kishimoto is dedicated to his work that is reconciled from the illustration of all the epic Naruto Characters.
To draw/ illustrate Naruto, follow these easy steps:
- So, to illustrate an existing fictional character, the first step would be getting as many references as possible, mainly because you don’t want to deviate from the original art style so much that the characters don’t even look recognizable.
- The second step would be fixating on a pose and drawing the gesture lines for that specific pose, and then drawing the volumetric shapes over them to get a feel for the volume.
- After that is done, you can focus on the more important aspects like facial expressions and features.
- You can go with a typical expression that the character is mostly identified with or come with something out of the blue by themselves. Either is fine.
- Next, you outline the rough drawing part by part and then finally coloring and shading them with appropriate colors.