One Piece is a popular Manga originally illustrated by Eichiro Oda and released on 22 July 1992 and later adapted for animation by Toei Animation Studio on 20 October 1999. One Piece is said to be the greatest anime of all time. It follows a boy named Monkey D. Luffy of being the ‘King of pirates.’ One Piece has 20 episodes consisting of 970 episodes and more to be released in the coming Sundays. Sometime in the Void Century, the Pirate King Gol D. came across the island at the end of the Grand Line. He named this island ‘Laugh Tale.’ Before his execution, he announced to the world that he had hidden all his treasure in one place and asked them to find it if they could. Hence, this excited all the Pirates in coming years and inspired them to become Pirates for reasons. Now, the end of Grand Line is full of Pirates looking for this invaluable treasure- One Piece. Will Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates be able to conquer the mysterious treasure? The story continues with more mysteries and suspense to unravel. While the fans never want the series to end, One Piece is expected to end soon in the upcoming five years, i.e., by the year 2026, we may say farewell to One Piece.
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