Laravel aims to make online development easier by simplifying common activities that are utilized in most web projects, such as authentication, routing, sessions, and caching, among others. Laravel promises to make the development process entertaining for the laravel developers while not compromising the functionality of the resulting application.
Laravel is a modern open source web application framework that allows you to create unique web apps fast and efficiently. It is one of the most extensively used web application frameworks today. As a result of its unique architecture, developers can create their own infrastructure that is tailored particularly to their application’s needs.
Let’s look at why you should choose the Laravel framework.
Laravel development means faster time to market
Laravel simplifies web development by providing a modular development platform that is easy to use. Due to the pre-built functionality provided by Laravel, the development process is significantly simplified and more efficient. You can construct responsive applications in a fraction of the time it takes in the past.
Over time, laraveler developers have made significant advancements in this area. As a result, the Laravel development process has been improved as a result of this. You are not required to spend a significant amount of time coding. Make the repairs yourself and save money in the process by doing so.
Better authentication and authorisation option
Laravel has an advantage over other frameworks such as CodeIgniter when it comes to authentication and authorisation. When compared to the former, which does not provide sufficient support for the process, Laravel does.
Laravel’s authentication mechanisms make it very simple to do everything from login to registration to password reset for users. Setting up an authentication system is as simple as issuing a command.
Active community
When it comes to Laravel’s community of developers, you’ll have access to a wide range of forums and websites where you’re sure to get an answer to your questions. On the other hand, it assures that the framework is error-free and constantly updated. It’s because a large amount of the framework’s components come from Symfony that the finest of the best has been selected.
Framework managed by Composer
Installing Laravel is straightforward; all you need is Composer and a single command: “composer create-project laravel/laravel nombredemiproyecto” to get started. What makes it so simple? Due to its nature as a collection of PHP utilities (libraries/packages), it is installable and updatable through the Composer package management system.
Laravel’s ORM is eloquent in its use of declarative language (and is better than Doctrine). As a result of ORMs (Object Relational Mapping), data can be transferred between object-oriented programming languages and relational databases. A virtual object-oriented database is created on top of a relational database in practice.
Because of this, object-oriented features can be implemented (basically inheritance and polymorphism). Eloquent is a simple and strong ORM that has it all, and it does so in a simple and elegant way. It lets us query and act on the database without having to write any PHP.
Laravel comes with a command line tool called Artisan. A script called “artisan” is located in the root of the application and contains a number of useful commands to assist you in the development of your project. Additionally, you can write your own artisan commands to automate single-line activities on a schedule or automatically.
Sending emails
Yes, we can send emails from our events, controllers, or our own instructions that are triggered by a Blade template. It also enables us to send mail from locations other than the traditional Postfix mail server. The following drivers are installed by default: “smtp,” “mail,” “sendmail,” “mailgun,” “mandrill,” “ses,” “sparkpost,” and “log.”
With Laravel, there is already less to be concerned about when it comes to login. According to what we stated at the outset, we have the foundation of our authentication system with the Artisan command (including views, model, controllers and database). We may either keep it as is, which is simple but useful by default, or we can tweak it to our taste, which is also no problem.
CSRF Token
You can put a security token in all of your forms, which will allow them to be submitted only from the project’s website. These tokens are changed every ‘n’ seconds in order to increase the security of the project and prevent it from being automatically populated by external software.
Is Laravel the best PHP framework?
As a result of all of this, you may be asking whether this is the greatest platform available.
There is no such thing as the best PHP framework. The framework that is selected is determined on the use case. Regardless of which platform you choose, make certain that it is compatible with your business procedures.
In general, there are certain factors to consider before selecting a framework:
- The widespread acceptance of the framework
- Obtaining access to a database
- Assistance with performance
- Compatibility with third-party components
- The backing of the local community
- Safety and security